ISBN No : 9789381431115

Language : English


Publisher : HAY HOUSE

Agnostic Khushwant: There Is No God tells readers that it is not the existenece of god which should be questioned, instead people should keep in mind that the answer to that question has no impact on the goodness or badness of an individual. The authors point out that you can be evil and believe in god and you can also be an angel and not believe in god.

Khushwant Singh is famous for the notorious topics discussed in his books and this one is no exception. The first chapter is about the requirement of a different religion that is godless. He then explains that religion has done more harm to the world than help, with fake godmen and the bogus analyses of astrologers.

But he does not say that religion is completely useless. He writes beautifully and explains the importance and poetic wealth in holy works like the Granth Sahib, Quran and Bhagvad Gita. Singh also provides extracts from these books to prove his point. He also dismisses prejudices harboured by non-Muslims against Muslims, with examples, while talking about the significance of Ramzaan. The book also has a chapter that talks about the time the author met the Dalai Lama. Agnostic Khushwant: There Is No God was published by Hay House in 2011 and is available in paperback.

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