ISBN No : 9788190416986

Language : English

Categories : NON FICTION

Publisher : HAY HOUSE

The book explores the impact of what we think and what we speak, on our body. Heal Your Body draws the connection between mental state and physical well being in a manner that has never been explored before.

The book is a meticulous account of a lot of health ailments that people suffer today, it further entails the respective specific mental thoughts that cause it. The book essentially educates the reader about their health problems, what feelings or actions cause such problems and it also sheds light on how he/she can do away with it. The author strongly suggests that by reiterating positive thoughts, believing in oneself, conquering hidden fears and overpowering them by positivity, one can cure his/her physical problems.

This book is the first of many self-help books by the author, written after she was diagnosed with Cancer 20 years ago. It provides a very comprehensive account of various ailments and subsequently its cause and cure.

Heal Your Body is a guide to millions on how they can control the well-being of their body, by controlling their thoughts and emotions. The book was published by Hay House in 2009 and is available in paperback.

Key Features:
Written in the 1970's, from personal experience, the book is a guiding source of strength and positivity to millions even today.

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