DOOSRA the other one


ISBN No : 9781943730711

Language : English


Publisher : Rumour Book

Ron Jogani, a jeweller from Mumbai, is in Belgium to buy a consignment of loose diamonds worth over €10 million. Hours later he’s dead in his hotel room in Brussels: murdered. The perpetrators are extremely tech-savvy and have defeated all the​ CCTV cameras in the hotel… but one concealed camera in the elevator has snapped one of the guys. When one of the stolen diamonds is sold in Mumbai, the Belgian Police reach out to their Indian counterparts to catch the person in the candid-shot.


The case is assigned to DCP Rita Ferreira. But when Rita and her team track down the man in the photograph provided by the Belgians, they realise there must have been some slip-up: the target does not even have a passport​ — he couldn’t have travelled to Brussels. And then they discover that a private detective is already following their target...

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