ISBN No : 9789352644872

Language : Select Language


Publisher : Harper Collins

or parents who have a lot on their plate.
Children are question marks. Bawling, cooing, spit-blowing question marks. How long should you breastfeed your baby? Will he sleep through the night? How should you start your child o¬ on solid foods? Will she grow up into a responsible adult? 

While many of life s riddles are di cult to solve, celebrity nutritionist

Pooja Makhija addresses one vital question with an insight, and humour, few others have: child nutrition. What you feed your child is only one aspect of nourishment; how they eat is another. Focused on the psychology of eating and keeping a child s unique bio-individuality in mind, this sequel to Pooja s best-selling Eat Delete sheds light on how a child s palate develops, methods to keep junk food at bay, and the habits needed to prevent ill-health and obesity. It also tells you that while correct eating is paramount, it s okay to bend the rules occasionally if you keep in mind the big picture: that if you teach kids good nutritional habits when they are young, they will take nutritionally responsible decisions as adults.

Woven through with fables and fairy tales, and separating the gluten from the wheat, the facts from family myth, Eat Delete Junior will help parents emerge victorious over the ultimate child-rearing battleground: the dinner table.

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