ISBN No : 05042021T1

Language : English

Categories : TOY

Sub Categories : FUN MUSICAL

Playing Contents(s) : 64

Instructions : 3

Age Criteria : 0-3M

Company Name : HUNGRY BRAINS

A Newborn baby has a natural and unsatisfiable hunger to experience and to know about the world around them.

A baby’s access to knowing and learning is only through sensory organs. By hearing, smelling, touching, seeing baby experiences  and learns about the surroundings which leads to an overall development.

Every exposure of each sensory organ to a planned stimulation strengthens the sensory bridge between the sensory organs and the brain. This results in the development of all the sensory organs, pathways and the brain. This development accelerates the baby’s capability of complex learning in future.

(Stimulation: encouragement of something to make it developed or become more active.)

This sensory stimulation set is designed around a baby using all these senses for creating memories of them, recollecting memories, developing of association, thinking, analyzing and responding appropriately.

Normally, a baby learns from sensory experiences as and when baby gets exposed to such circumstances and that happens by chance.

Most important task of the newborn is to understand, adjust and get settled in this new world which is much different than being in mother's womb. A baby’s access to knowing and learning is only through sensory organs only. By hearing, smelling, touching, seeing baby experiences and learns about the surroundings which results in creating understanding about the world. Every exposure of each sensory organ to a planned stimulation strengthens the sensory bridge between the sensory organs and the brain. This results in the development of all the sensory organs, pathways and the brain. This development accelerates the baby’s capability of complex learning in future.


  • Supports baby to adjust in this new world
  • An ideal set to provide early intervention to both full term and preterm baby.
  • Enhances clarity in vision.
  • Develops sensory pathways.
  • Deepens ability to differentiate various exposure.
  • Creates initial ability to focus.
  • Boosts memory and its recollection.
  • Lays a foundation to make learning being fun for life time.

Notice the following observations while using the set: 

  • Baby’s nostrils go up and down (Expand and contract).
  • An ideal set to provide early intervention to both full term and preterm baby.
  • Baby will stop doing any other movements and just focuses on the stimulation provided.
  • Baby’s eye pupil is expanding and relaxing.
  • Baby is staring at the card/ chart for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Baby will pause in crying if shown the card while crying.
  • Baby turns the head towards the direction of the sound bottle.
  • There will be an increase in the awaking time of the baby.
  • No Comments.
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