ISBN No : 9789360459413

Language : English

Categories : Children

Sub Categories : STORY BOOK

Publisher : RED PANDA

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Long ago, in a distant land, a squirrel and a ferret began their farming journey with a single corn kernel each. They were both excited at the success of their first harvest. Come winter, the squirrel used her entire crop to survive the scarcity, while the ferret, eating a little less, saved a part of his crop for the next harvest.
As their crops grew, the squirrel was amazed to see the ferret’s field producing more corn stalks each year. His secret? A clever trick called compound interest! The ferret’s smart saving strategy highlights the power of saving wisely today for bigger rewards tomorrow.
Abbas Kazerooni’s engaging storytelling combines with Erin Davey-Jepson’s delightful illustrations to convey the heart and wisdom of this charming mathematical tale. Compound Interest: A Mathematical Story About Saving and Growing Money not only entertains but also introduces children to an essential financial concept, setting them on the path to smart saving and investing.

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